2011. szeptember 14., szerda

Ranking part4

Whats you favorite Johnny's eponymous show?

1. Himitsu No Arashi-chan (5142 votes)
2. Arashi Ni Shiyagare (5095)
3. SMAP x SMAP (3383)
4. VS Arashi (2990)
5. The Testuwan Dash! (2182)
6. Shindomoto Kyodai (1050)
7. The Shonen Club (624)
8. Kanjani No Shiwake∞ (624)
9. Bouken JAPAN! Kanjani∞MAP (504)
10. 5LDK (443)
11. Mission V6 (278)
12. YanYan JUMP (261)

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